Monday, March 26, 2007

"E" posting: I just can't seem to get enough of computers!

I never realized how much I use my computer until I just sat down and thought about it. I am on my computer for a good portion of my day and I am usually writing a paper for a class, browsing through the latest information, or being on facebook. Computers are a very very important part of my life and I think I would go crazy if I didn't have one. I know that my roommates computer has a virus so she had to send it off to be repaired and she is constantly needing to use her computer and then she realizes she doesn't have one. I guess it is like the old saying, "You never know how much you rely on something until you do not have it anymore."

"C" posting: The seven-year-old bloggers

This article has a very interesting beginning by starting off with this statement, "Weblogs are sometimes criticised for being the self-obsessed ramblings of people who have little to say and too much time on their hands in which to do it. But there are gems out there - including many sites created by children." This article is about how a group of seven-year-old children in one British school have integrated blogging into their everyday classroom schedule. The article states that the children are doing things to their blogs that are usually accomplished by a 14 or 15-year-old. The teacher of this classroom says that children of this age are usually learning how to copy and paste or change the font in Microsoft word, but he has learning the same features along with making it more interesting by having the students post their thoughts in the blogs. This teachers goal is to see every child with a weblog of their own.

I found this article to be very interesting and surprising at some parts. I know that I am twenty years old and have just learned of weblogs in the past 3 months. I think it is excellent to get these young children started early and getting them involved with the weblogs. I was very surprised when the article said that these seven-year-old students were accomplishing features on the weblogs that are usually accomplished by a 14 or 15-year-old. I think bringing this type of the technology into a classroom of young children is a wonderful idea.

BBC NEWS Magazine The seven-year-old bloggers

"B" posting: Storyboard activity

When I think about some of the activities we have done in this class the one that sticks out the most thus far is the storyboard activity. This activity began at the very beginning of the semester when we had to write five significant stories about how education has influenced our lives. One of my stories was about my mentor, who just also happened to be my grandfather, and how his recent death has impacted me and my educational goals. This activity continued a month or so later when Dr. Baylen assigned the storyboard project. For the project was had to have nine picture or twelve if you wanted extra credit, nine or twelve voice recordings done in Audacity of your story, and a word document where all your material would come together. When the activity was complete the "player" would click on the different pictures I had posted in the word document and listen to my voice recording. After listening to all of the recordings the "player" would then try and piece my story back together.

I learned a great deal of information from this activity. Before doing this activity I had never even heard of what Audacity was and for the most part had never done voice recordings on the computer. I was also unaware that you were able to add hyperlinks of the voice recording to a word document. The main challenge I found with this project was placing all the information in the correct location. I know several times I hyperlinked the wrong voice recording with a picture. I overcame this challenge by doing it over and over again until it came out how it was supposed to be. I learned from this project that although it sounded difficult to master that if I put my mind to it that I could accomplish my goal of finishing and I did.

"A" posting: Technology and Young Children-- Ages three through eight

The article Technology and Young Children-- Ages Three through Eight is about integrating technology into the classroom with young children. This article states," Early childhood educators must take responsibility to influence events that are transforming the daily lives of children and families." This statement is referring to many issues dealing with technology and young children: 1) the main goal of the teacher is evaluating the right uses of technology, 2) finding the benefits of different technology in early childhood technology, 3) adding technology into a typical classroom setting, 4) easy access to technology for all children including those with special needs, 5) stereotyping and violence in software, 6) the role of teachers and parents are supporters, and 7) the use of technology for professional development. The article also has many other good points such as, "technology can be used to affirm children's diversity," "teachers should actively select software that promotes positive social values," and "Early childhood educators should use technology as a tool for communication and collaboration among professionals as well as a tool for teaching children."

I believe the article relates to my question, "How do I integrate technology into a classroom of young children?" After reviewing this article I found several excellent pointers on how I could effectively bring technology into the classroom. I choose this article because I think technology is very important in today's society and I believe that when I become an elementary teacher that I should begin teaching my students what technology has to offer them. This article not only helps guide a teacher on what he/she needs to look for when trying to bring new technology into the classroom, but also how it can benefit the children. I will definitely refer back to this article in a couple years when I begin my teaching career. position statement: technology and young children--ages three through eight [reprinted from Young children, September 1996]. Information Technology in Childhood Education v. 1999 (1999) p. 281-6